Trans Liberation

This topic contains a variety of resources and materials pertaining to Trans Liberation. The only path forward for trans liberation is the abolition of capitalism and the development of socialism. While it is clear that only the struggle for communism can lead to trans liberation, communists and socialists have often failed to adequately welcome and protect their trans comrades from internal reactionary forces who would attempt to continue to marginalize trans people within leftist organizations themselves.

We must do better. The first step is educating yourself.

What is Trans Liberation?

  • Why Trans Liberation Is A Class Issue Article

    When most people hear about trans rights, they hear about bathrooms, pronouns and confusing legislation like the Gender Recognition Act (GRA). But are these really the main issues impacting the lives of most trans people today?

    Fergal O’Dwyer sat down with organiser and educator Nim Ralph to discuss the dangers of ignoring the material conditions that shape trans people’s lives, and why we should advance a vision of trans liberation which is rooted in class solidarity.

  • Trans liberation will liberate everyone - Shon Faye Video

    Shon Faye’s new book is a detailed overview of the systemic violence and discrimination trans people face in Britain today. From access to healthcare, to poverty and homelessness, Shon outlines what it will take for trans people to achieve true liberation.

    She talks to Krishnan about how the liberation of Trans people would benefit everyone in society, the problems with the ‘debate’ about Trans people in the media and how transitioning saved her life.

  • Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue Book

    Those who have heard Leslie Feinberg speak in person know how powerful and inspiring ze can be. In Trans Liberation, Feinberg has gathered a collection of ze speeches on trans liberation and its essential connection to the liberation of all people. This wonderfully immediate, impassioned, and stirring book is for anyone who cares about civil rights and creating a just and equitable society.

  • Trans Liberation & Marxism: Is Gender Identity Actually Anti-Materialist? | Let's Talk Patriarchy Video

    Is being Trans "idealist"? Let's take a Marxist, dialectical materialist look at the situation. This video by Marxist Paul addresses vulgar materialist arguments that are used by some "marxists" to argue *against* trans rights.

Debunking Myths About Trans Athletes

  • Four Myths About Trans Athletes, Debunked Article

    Upholding trans athletes' rights requires rooting out the inaccurate beliefs underlying harmful policies sweeping through state legislatures. For years state lawmakers have pushed legislation attempting to shut trans people out of public spaces. In 2020, lawmakers zeroed in on sports and introduced 20 bills seeking to ban trans people from participating in athletics. These statewide efforts have been supported through a coordinated campaign led by anti-LGBTQ groups that have long worked to attack our communities.

    Though we are fighting every day in the courts and in legislatures, upholding trans rights will take more than judicial and legislative action. It will require rooting out the inaccurate and harmful beliefs underlying these policies. In this article, the ACLU debunk four myths about trans athletes using the expertise of doctors, academics, and sports psychologists serving as experts in their litigation in Idaho.

  • Transgender Women - Athletes and Elite Sport: A Scientific Review Study

    Transgender Women Athletes and Elite Sport: A Scientific Review is an in-depth review of scientific literature on transgender athlete participation in competitive sport. The inclusion criteria for this report were research articles published in the English language between 2011 and 2021 inclusive. Only peer-reviewed articles or syntheses of academic literature (e.g., meta-analyses) in reputable academic journals were included. Grey literature, or non-academic literature, was included if it provided a summary of empirical data or if it described rules currently in place worldwide to include/exclude trans athletes. The resulting report is divided into two sections reflecting the primary perspectives by which the question of trans inclusion has been addressed - one that encompasses biomedical studies and a second that encompasses sociocultural studies. While there are questions of inclusion for non-binary and intersex athletes, this report focused on the population of trans women athletes in the context of elite sport.

What are TERFs, aka “Gender Critical Feminists”

  • What Are TERFs? - How "Gender Critical" TERFs Harm Transgender Folks

    Jessie Gender breaks down everything you need to know about gender critical beliefs, TERFs, and why they harms not only transgender people, but all women.

  • Why TERFs Misunderstand "The Handmaid's Tale"

    The Handmaid's Tale seems like it's perfect for a TERF reading, but often, TERFs misinterpret what the show is actually about.

  • Gender Critical : Recruitment

    This is the first of three core videos about Caelan Conrad's time investigating the Gender Critical cult. Ideally, they should be watched in order. This first video covers how one gets recruited into the cult, and the tactics they use to keep you there. .

  • Gender Critical : Conversion Therapy

    This is the second of three core videos about Caelan Conrad's time investigating the Gender Critical cult. Here, we explore the terrifying reality that Gender Critical parents are, as we speak, conducting dangerous conversion therapy on their unconsenting children, and that they do this at the direction of the movement's thought leaders.

  • Gender Critical : Fascism

    This is the third of three core videos about Caelan Conrad's time investigating the Gender Critical cult. It reveals how Gender Critical activists intentionally manipulate the public, and exposes anti-trans activists and icons for who they are when they feel safe enough to drop the mask of persecution. It reveals their racism, homophobia, ableism and misogyny and serves as evidence that not only is the Gender Critical ideology a cult, but a hate group..

Addressing Anti-Trans Rhetoric

  • The Continually Escalating Anti-LGBT Rhetoric

    This video by Jessie Gender is an exploration of the growing Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and why it's continued to get increasingly violent.

  • What Is A Groomer?

    What is a Groomer? From Salem to Stonewall, history repeats itself. As LGBTQ+ acceptance has grown worldwide, so has the reactionary forces who spread conspiracy theories that endanger the lives of many, and have proven difficult to quash. The "groomer" narrative has become so prevalent and pervasive that it needs to be met head-on before more people are hurt and killed.

  • The Manipulations of Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?"

    What is a Woman... truly a difficult question that only Matt Walsh was "brave" enough to ask. Yet, clearly, there are issues, so let's break down all the ways The Daily Wire plus' film What is a Woman manipulates its audience and how Matt Walsh created a documentary to frame trans people as the villains through misinformation.

  • The Unending Lies of Matt Walsh

    Can a transgender woman answer "What is a Woman?" and what is Matt Walsh all about anyways?

We’ve included this extensive section on JK Rowling not only because she’s an influential figure, but because the views she expresses come straight from the TERF, aka “Gender Critical”, transphobia movement. Hearing them get debunked gives us a good understanding of how to view the modern transphobic arguments we might come across