
Democracy In Cuba

  • Cuba and Its Neighbours - Democracy in Motion Book

    In this groundbreaking book, Arnold August explores Cuba’s unique form of democracy, presenting a detailed and balanced analysis of Cuba’s electoral process and the state’s functioning between elections. By comparing it with practices in the U.S., Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, August shows that people’s participation in politics and society is not limited to a singular U.S.-centric understanding of democracy. For example, democracy as practised in the U.S. is largely non-participatory, static and fixed in time.

    Cuba, by contrast, is a laboratory where the process of democratization is continually in motion, an ongoing experiment to create new ways for people to participate. August argues forcefully for the need to develop mutual understanding of different political systems and, in doing so, to not be satisfied with either blanket condemnation or idealistic illusions, both resulting from a refusal to analyze the actual inner workings of each process.

  • How Democracy Works in Cuba Video

    This is a short 10 minute primer on the Cuban democratic system by azureScapegoat. It's a common myth that Cuban is a authoritarian dictatorship, but in reality, it has a vibrant system of participatory democracy. The Cuban constitution is the result of input from millions of Cuban citizens, the majority of the adult population of Cuba at the time. The vote to accept the constitution had a voter turnout of 98% with widespread support.

The Embargo

Other Curated Videos

  • Cuba Before and After the Revolution

    Cuba: Before and After the Revolution - The Story of When Michael Parenti Visited Cuba

  • The Truth About Cuban Doctors

    Cutting through the misinformation on Cuba's international medical program

  • Who Did Che Guevara Murder?

    Che Guevara stands accused of many crimes. BadEmpanada examines how the evidence holds up.

  • You shouldn't be supporting the Cuban protests

    The covid pandemic lead to genuine grievances as a result of a bad economic situation due to an embargo imposed by the largest military power history has ever seen. Those grievances were co-opted by the usual color revolution crowd, and a whole load of naive liberals fell for it.

  • The Truth About The Cuba Protests

    We all saw the news coverage of the supposedly massive anti-government protests in Cuba during the week of July 11th, but if you were paying attention, you may have noticed something strange. In this episode, we'll analyze the protests and take a look at the US' long history of meddling in Cuba.