Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin

Welcome, comrades!

Do you consider yourself an anti-capitalist, or maybe even a socialist? If you do, and you’re looking to further educate yourself on capitalism and its pitfalls, socialism and its benefits, and learn how to critically analyze the world around you, and the history that has lead up to our modern day, this is a great place to start!

This community aims to provide resources and curated content and reading lists to both new socialists/communists, and veteran marxists, through a marxist-leninist lens. If you are brand new and don’t know where to begin, check out our Getting Started page for beginner friendly resources.

Here, you’ll find curated reading topics about socialism, communism, marxism, dialectical-materialism, historical-materialism, gender abolishment, trans liberation, and more! As well as curated YouTube videos, posts from members of the community, and historical archives from Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and more!

We welcome anyone to contribute to this site! If you notice an issue on any of our pages, or wish to contribute to the website, please check out the Contribute page for more information. Please note: Only Marxist-Leninists are welcome to contribute to the site.